Reform: Extension of the loss offsetting period
The planned extension of the loss offsetting period from seven to ten years is intended to provide tax relief for companies and promote their economic recovery. But are these measures enough? This article sheds light on the background, challenges and potential for Switzerland's competitiveness.
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The permissibility of offsetting losses across periods can be justified primarily on the basis of the total profit principle (profits of a company over its entire lifetime), which in turn is justified by the constitutional principle of taxation according to economic performance. Due to the requirements of the periodicity principle, which is legally stipulated at the level of direct federal tax in Art. 80 para. 1 DFL ( = direct federal tax law) and Art. 79 para. 1 and 2 in conjunction with Art. 58 para. 1 lit. Art. 58 para. 1 lit. a) DFL, tax losses can only be offset within a limited period of time, which is currently seven years.
On November 27, 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on extending loss offsetting from seven to ten years. This blog post looks at the background to the planned reform of tax loss carryforwards, provides an overview of its key points and takes a critical look at its specific structure, in particular its connection with the Covid-19 pandemic.
The motion of 12.01.2021 called for the loss offsetting period to be extended from seven to ten years, not least in order to contribute to the further recovery of companies affected by the pandemic (Motion 21.3001). In this context, it was envisaged that the extension of the loss offsetting period would apply to losses from the 2020 tax year onwards.
In the consultation process, the extension of the offsetting period was received positively by most parties and organizations. However, a majority of the cantons reject the proposed amendments to the law, as they consider the extension of the loss offsetting period to be ineffective and consider existing tax measures to be sufficient. There are also fears that the measure will lead to additional administrative work, problems with the financial planning of local authorities and unclear tax losses.
At its meeting on November 27, 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the implementation of the motion. The Federal Council acknowledges the concerns of the motion in principle, but does not consider the measure to be a priority and, due to the strained financial situation of the federal budget and the comparatively limited benefits, has decided not to submit a motion for approval to Parliament. The proposal is now to be assessed by the National Council as the first Council to deal with it.
Current law and need for new regulation
According to the so-called "total profit principle", the sum of all of a company's operating results for the period represents its total profit, i.e. the profit that is generated over the entire life of the company and thus reflects its full economic performance. Even if, according to this view, it would be appropriate to offset losses for an unlimited period, this principle is restricted by the requirement under accounting law to recognize income and expenses on an accrual basis. As the requirement of periodic taxation and the total profit principle must be adequately taken into account, the legislator has so far provided for a time-limited offsetting of losses for seven financial years preceding the tax period within the framework of this conflicting relationship.
However, particularly as a result of the pandemic, the Swiss parliament recognizes a need for action to adjust or extend the ordinary loss carryforward from seven to ten years. The current regulation harbors the risk of unequal treatment of companies despite equal economic performance. This could affect legal entities or self-employed natural persons if, for example, they generate a high loss once and then low profits several times in subsequent years. Companies that make smaller losses over several tax periods and subsequently make modest profits may also be disadvantaged. Under certain circumstances, this can result in a loss of offsettable annual losses for the companies concerned and thus in over-taxation. The need for greater tax relief for companies in loss-making situations is highlighted not least by the considerable losses recorded during the pandemic.
Time limit for offsetting losses
By extending the offsetting of losses, the proposed new regulation aims, among other things, to enable a more comprehensive consideration of the economic performance of companies. The offsetting of losses is to be extended in this sense, although for various reasons it will still be permitted for a limited period of time. In addition to the budgetary interests of the public sector, particularly with regard to greater planning certainty, the Federal Council argues that such a decision also makes sense for companies in terms of practicality. Without a time limit on the offsetting of losses, companies would have to keep their business records from the time of their initial existence until their liquidation, which would entail a considerable amount of additional administrative work. The planned extension of the offsetting of losses to 10 years is also based on the periods for the retention of business records in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations.
Financial impact of the reform
In the long term, an extended loss carryforward period means that economic players who make one-off larger losses or smaller losses over several financial years are exposed to a lower overall tax burden. The tax relief means that the companies in question have more financial resources available for their business activities. In particular, newly founded companies with a longer start-up phase, in which high investments are made in growth and the further development of products, will benefit if the losses incurred during this phase are allowed to be offset against subsequent profits for a longer period of time.
At the same time, it must be taken into account that an extension of the loss offsetting period is most likely associated with annually recurring revenue shortfalls at federal and cantonal level, the amount of which cannot be precisely estimated. Lower revenues are likely to result if companies that have generated losses for more than seven years generate profits again after a successful restructuring, which they can offset against losses from more than seven years that have not yet been utilized for tax purposes. Furthermore, a reduction in income is possible if start-up companies only generate profits after a longer period of losses lasting more than seven years, which can be offset against losses over a longer period as a result of the extension of loss offsetting.
Evaluation of the template
Although the proposal to extend the offsetting of losses to ten years appears balanced in view of the need to weigh up the principles of total profit and periodicity, it is not understandable from a tax perspective why the reform should be linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the fact that the new regulation can help companies to rebuild their business after the pandemic, among other things, there is no reason to restrict the retroactive effect to losses from 2020. In order to ensure that the measure has an immediate practical impact, it would be desirable from a tax system perspective to generally extend the period for offsetting losses to ten years from the entry into force of the bill and to allow the new rules on loss offsetting to be applied to losses prior to the 2020 tax period. Various participating associations also expressed this view in the consultation process.
Last but not least, the question arises as to whether the reform project that has been initiated should not also be used to conduct a more fundamental discussion on the topic of loss offsetting. For example, it would be worth considering the introduction of a loss carry-forward option, as already provided for in the canton of Thurgau for the purposes of state and municipal taxes. This would entitle companies to offset losses incurred in the present against profits from previous tax years, which would also avoid overtaxation in the long term and ensure a more far-reaching implementation of the total profit principle. This topic should also be examined in particular from the perspective of maintaining Switzerland's (tax) attractiveness internationally. In terms of loss offsetting, Switzerland is not one of the most attractive countries due to its relatively severe restrictions. Some of Switzerland's direct competitors, including various EU states, have significantly longer (e.g. 17 years in Luxembourg) or even unlimited (e.g. in Germany, Italy and Austria) loss set-off periods. A few countries also have a loss carry-forward, including Germany and France, Switzerland's neighbors. In order to maintain the tax attractiveness of Switzerland as a business location and, in particular, to increase it in comparison to other countries, the introduction of further relaxations for loss offsetting should be considered.